Sunday, June 26, 2011

Are you ready for some football

So finally a post about the actual reason I am down here... Football.

First week: relearn all of the basic football skills. Things are very different here, we take drop steps on our reach blocks and always use "double under's" which appears as if we are trying to do bicep curls with the Dline. I was so out of breath because of the altitude that I would need to take a knee at random times to catch my breath. Not to mention everyone is yelling in Spanish.

Second week:  I can breath YAY!!! I begin to recognize certain phrases such as Cambio, Mismo, Dereche and so on. Feel much more like a football player. Had a bit of humble pie being placed on the 3rd string for the first time since 9th grade.

Third week: brings us up to the present time. My form is not perfect but I am finally getting the ideas and concepts of my new team. This weekend we had a passing scrimmage and I went 12 for 15 with 5 pancakes. It really renewed some football spirit actually getting to hit some people.  Here are 2 pics I was able to screen shot from film.
I threw it on the GROUND!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The easy life...

Well today me and my "gringo" friend are practically laughing at everything... I mean we were merely walking and a bird flew in front of us and we were nearly brought to the floor with laughter. Why??? because EVERYTHING is so much more difficult in Mexico.

In America, if you want something, you just simply get in your car drive to a store and get it. Cant find it??? simply ask the person at the store and they will respond with one of these simple results: Yes we have it, No we dont, Yes it is in this department, or I do not know let me ask my manager. If it was only the same in Mexico....

No it goes a little something like this: quiero... I want oh wait how do you say? (commence 10 min pantomiming to try and find what the word is) ask again in decent spanish. Que? tu quieres hielo? SI QUIERO HIELO!(commence 5 min conversation among friends in whispered spanish) tienemos helado. Ok si gracias... Go in wanting Ice leave with Ice cream. jajaj

Here is a little list of things that JUST WORK in America:
Buses: a great mode of transportation here at its low cost however you sacrifice your comfort alongside willingness to be on time
Roads: Down here they place mountains in the middle of the roads... they call them speed bumps (I call them stop signs)
Birds: they take off like freakin helicopters and nearly hit you. It could be possible to grab them because they are so dumb
Food: Ketchup on pizza, pigskin on tacos in the US you know you get exactly what you order, here its a surprise.

If I were to write a list of things I like about Mexico it would be nearly endless. Its the little things that you have to laugh off. But when I return to the US it will be these little things I appreciate much more.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Mary

Ok so the running joke in my family has been when we hear fireworks in mexico we yell happy birthday Mary. This is because while in Toluca constantly bombarded by fireworks, a local told us it was for Mary's birthday (actually the feast of the Immaculate Consumption)

Which brings me to this past Saturday. An O Liner from San Diego (Mexican/American) who speaks both languages perfectly gave me a tour of the "famous" iglesia de Nuestra SeƱora de los Remedios, that was built on top of a Colutec (Aztec like culture) pyramid. 
The front face of the church of the Redeemer 

So once at the top we had the unique opportunity to partake in a saint feast day!! With all the normal necessities; Fireworks, a band, singing, and tons of Mexicans 

So they carried all these statues up a MOUNTAIN! The song was actually pretty catchy.

So after the excitement on top of the pyramid we climbed down from the church. Where I was blown away by this!!!

BAM!! Mexicans spinning around 50 times for rain! High light of my day

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rockwell aint got nothing on this place

So I am finally at my new school! Wow … I really made an upgrade!!! I don’t even know where to start.

The American dollar has made me very rich. Everything is cheap! I can eat almost any meal for 2-4 dollars. I have yet to explore

The campus had many beautiful pictures on line, this is however a sad point. This is because there is so much of campus that was not captured in this. You cannot begin to grasp how extensive it is until you visit! Imagine a beautiful college like Penn State; subtract half the buildings and 3/4ths the students... Oh ya and add tropical trees/weather and a volcano in the background.

Here is the last point I will make for today. Being an Azteca is nothing like any other football I have ever played. You are not to quote my favorite Dr. Jewel “a student first, and athlete second” instead you are a rock super star, then a student, then an athlete. You go in to a store and people say are you an Azteca?? Just this morning I ran into an ex-azteca. He was a member of the first football team here and has since done well for himself. He said he knew that I was coming and expects good things this season. He then saw my Steeler hat and concluded that I must really know good football.  When he found out I lived in the Pittsburgh area he told me of his business he owns and how he has season tickets in the  VIP section and how he will take me to a game of my choice when we get home in December!