Thursday, June 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Mary

Ok so the running joke in my family has been when we hear fireworks in mexico we yell happy birthday Mary. This is because while in Toluca constantly bombarded by fireworks, a local told us it was for Mary's birthday (actually the feast of the Immaculate Consumption)

Which brings me to this past Saturday. An O Liner from San Diego (Mexican/American) who speaks both languages perfectly gave me a tour of the "famous" iglesia de Nuestra SeƱora de los Remedios, that was built on top of a Colutec (Aztec like culture) pyramid. 
The front face of the church of the Redeemer 

So once at the top we had the unique opportunity to partake in a saint feast day!! With all the normal necessities; Fireworks, a band, singing, and tons of Mexicans 

So they carried all these statues up a MOUNTAIN! The song was actually pretty catchy.

So after the excitement on top of the pyramid we climbed down from the church. Where I was blown away by this!!!

BAM!! Mexicans spinning around 50 times for rain! High light of my day


  1. I hope you mean "Immaculate Conception", though I could be wrong. Do catholics have a new name for communion?

  2. Hahahah totally... Spanglish really has me screwed up down here.:)
